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Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is finally upon us. I have been working like a madwoman trying to get everything ready for the bewitching hour. There are last minute decorations to be placed in the yard today and one pumpkin left to carve of the dozen brought home from the pumpkin patch.

Thankfully I live in a community that doesn't freak out about Halloween making it akin to devil worship. Instead, it's a fun time for kids to dress up like Spiderman and load up on candy. Just like it was when I was a kid and that's the way I like it. My particular neighborhood also has a tradition of trick-or-treating for adults with adult beverages left in a cooler next to the kids candy bowl.

Last year our house was the biggest scare of the neighborhood. Hopefully the word will get around and that will draw a few more trick-or-treaters this year. I have one of those fancy fog machines and despite the fancy price tag it doesn't seem to be working properly after several attempts yesterday. I'm giving it one more chance today and hopefully it will come around and play nice. Last year MrG scared the costumes off some of the kids in the neighborhood with The Talking Skull. He put it beside the candy bowl and when the kids had taken their candy, the skull said, "Happy Halloween" with a result of much shrieking.

Searching for a last-minute costume idea that fits your foodie personality? Check out these sites.

spaghetti and meatballs

The beet is cute and clever but not sure other kids would know it. From Better Homes & Gardens Unfortunately, it looks like you have to pay for a full description and pattern.

Martha Stewarty tomato, pea pod, pumpkin

At work and at home I've been listening to non-stop Halloween music of all different sorts. I've made a few different Halloween CDs, some scary and some funny for different moods, but they usually get played back to back as they likely will for trick or treaters. The new The White Stripes album has 3 songs on it that pretty well scream Halloween: The Ghost, As Ugly As I Seem, and White Moon so The White Stripes have made it into the CD player a lot in the last few days as well.

I'd love to post photos of the decorated cupcakes, cakes, cookies and truffles I've made recently but dropping my digital camera a few weeks ago made this impossible. I took a few non-digital photos but I won't be able to post them until after processing. Such a pain.

Have a happy and safe Halloween!!

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