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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Virgin Prepares to Take the Plunge

I've been reading a lot of other food blogs that participate in cooking events. I think it sounds pretty cool! Here's what happens... by one method or another, they pick a topic, an ingredient (or in some cases, several ingredients), and a date by which you need to submit your prepared food item. One that looks like it's been going on a while started at Is My Blog Burning [IMBB]. It looks as though the IMBB event has begun taking up a lot of the site originator's time so he has asked other sites to host the event. There is one event per month and whomever is honored with hosting the event gets to choose the food item or topic for the month. Typically, bloggers participating in the event will take pictures of their creation and list ingredients used and cooking methods and sometimes a little story to go along with the entry. Then they email the host and let them know they are participating.

This is a pretty crazy month for me: a visit from my mother for a week and then we're off to a family reunion and week-long visit to Wisconsin. So I was thinking, "Why not add my first attempt at IMBB to the mix?" LOL

This month's topic: Eggs Hosted by Seattle Bon Vivant

I will be making my recipe next week while Mom is here and since the entry deadline is between Friday, June 24th and Sunday, June 26... the time when we'll be flying to Wisconsin and having the reunion, I'll have to blog from my auntie's house. Nothing like adding a little more stress to my travel plans... hehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds pretty bad I can't cook. :(