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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grommie Returns

Mwahaha... [creepy music]

Rather than bore you with a lot of blather about where I've been and why all two of my adoring fans should continue reading here I'll tantalize you the promise of a new recipe in the next couple of days.
I'm trying to make it under the dead (get it? dead) line for a couple of interesting baking competitions I found.
One from Cupcake Hero (I've entered Slush's contests before).
One from Bake & Destroy.

Check them out and see if you can imagine how I will work those contests into one big tasty concoction. Then come back to see what I actually came up with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is the success in a baking competition the same as the way to Carnegie Hall...practice practice practice?